How we help

Growing a business successfully is a challenge.

No one said running or growing a business would be easy! But it could be easier…

Let’s be honest, not all aspects of business come naturally to everyone and there are several balls you need to juggle at different stages of the business growth cycle before you can enjoy the financial freedom you originally set out to achieve.

Business Transformation

We understand the frustrations felt at each stage of the business lifecycle and we’ve designed our services especially to respond to these frustrations.

Wherever you are on the scale, we can help you with your business transformation:


All your financial information at your fingertips

Building a successful business means you want to understand your numbers and need flexible and reliable systems to access the information you need, every step of the way.

Whether you’re just starting out; you’ve reached sustainability; you’re going through a growth spurt or you’re ready to take a leap of faith towards an exit strategy, we can help identify and set up the best systems for you.

We will be your virtual accounting department and will:

  • Select the best apps for your business
  • Set up your cloud accounting system
  • Provide training and support

Accounting services

Keeping you compliant and on track

We cover all bases of accounting services. On a sliding scale, depending on what you need us to do, we can help:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Payroll
  • Business compliance
  • Personal tax returns
  • Corporation tax return
  • Value Added tax assessments
  • Year-end financial statements and management reporting.

Price consulting

Getting your ducks in a row and your pricing right

Whether you’re trying to pitch your pricing as a start-up business, or you’ve been hit by unexpected supplier price hikes, getting your pricing right is fundamental to your success as a business.

Our effective pricing guidance is tailored to your business, your operational costs, your target sales revenues & profit margins. It helps identify the best pricing for your services – and your business aims – no matter where you are in your business transformation!


Your accountant and business adviser on speed dial

Growing a business can be both exciting and frustrating, slow at times and exhausting at others – all in equal measure! Having access to a ‘critical friend’ and an objective sounding board is key to continue going in the right direction.

For daily queries and more complex issues, your accountant and specialist business adviser here at Fergusons & Peters are here to help. With regular progress meetings, or occasional phone updates, we’ll help to keep you on track for your objectives.

Annual strategic planning

Keeping your business heading in the right direction

What is your growth plan this year? Over the next 3 years? 5 years? We will apply our commercial acumen and financial expertise, to your annual planning. We will work with you to identify realistic objectives and address key factors to ensure that your growth is as smooth as possible.